Innovation and modernisation in contemporary Russia: Science towns, technology parks and very limited success
How have technological modernisation and innovation policies been implemented in Russia from the Soviet era to the present day, and with what results? In this presentation, I will discuss the findings of my 2023 book (based on my PhD research) on how the Russian state has attempted to address the country’s excessive dependence on natural resources by implementing an ambitious programme of economic modernisation since 2000. This programme included making innovation more prominent in policies, boosting state funding for research and development and innovation, and emphasising science towns and technology parks as key instruments for stimulating innovation. Based on extensive original research, taking a multidisciplinary approach, and including detailed case studies, my book explains why, despite these efforts, Russia is performing comparatively poorly in innovation outcomes. My book argues that a key factor for this is the country’s political economy model in which science, technology, and innovation policies are mainly controlled and funded by the federal centre of power and led by domestic political and economic elites.
Imogen Wade (she/her) is an analyst at the RAND Corporation. She works primarily on the Science and Emerging Technology team in RAND Europe. Prior to RAND, Wade was employed as a postdoctoral research fellow at the Science Policy Research Unit at the University of Sussex, where she worked on two externally funded research projects about transformative innovation policy, sustainability transitions, and developing scenarios for a more sustainable world by 2050. she also co-led the development of a learning game called Systemic Change, which was tested online with policy makers and practitioners. Imogen has a Ph.D. in Russian studies, political economy, and innovation studies from University College London (UCL). Her Ph.D. looked at the role of the state in supporting innovation, focusing on Russia as a case of an authoritarian state. A revised version of her Ph.D. was published as a book by Routledge.